Sunday, January 30, 2011

3 Ways to Make Facebook Ad Campaigns Work Smarter for You

With Facebook recently surpassing internet search giant Google as the most visited site online, business of all stripes have taken note. 

More and more restaurants, retail stores, service businesses such as Chiropractors, Dentists  and even cosmetic surgery centers are looking to grab followers on Facebook as part of their internet marketing.

Even home services like remodelers, roofing companies and house painters are looking for "likes" on Facebook by trying to push Facebook users to their business page. 

But as an internet marketing professional I can tell you that looking for Likes is one of the biggest myths that so many Social Media "experts" are telling businesses about Facebook these days.

I feel the real beauty of Facebook marketing goes much deeper than getting fans. There are little know secrets that seem to get overlooked. And businesses that use this Facebook marketing technique are miles ahead...

1) How to build a business page that does so much more
2) Why profiling your audience is critical for Facebook Advertising
3) A surprise Facebook Marketing function that works every day of the year

If you'd like to learn more, I'm offering a free Facebook Starter Plan consultation through the month of February. No obligation, no commitments. Contact me at and I'll provide a complimentary 22-minute phone consultation. 

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

A Few Words of Warning & Advice to Eager Grouponees.

The growth of Chicago-based Groupon has been nothing short of phenomenal. With at least 20 million subscribers in 29 countries receiving the Web company's free daily e-mail, Twitter and Groupon app offers, this is the fastest growing online business in recent memory.

And no wonder. With their unique format, local businesses sign up to be featured in one of their daily specials that go out to subscribers -- all neatly divided into 350 local areas.

These offers are unique and feature very attractive, discounted price points. But there's a brilliant caveat, a certain number of subscribers must buy the Groupon or the deal is off. And that rarely happens, because Groupon brings social marketing to a bizarre new state of online collectivism that is often too tempting to pass up.

From Lasik surgery to yoga lessons, Groupon has become an expert in the art of the unusual deal. The kind of deals that send hundreds, if not thousands of new prospects  to a local business. Oh yes, Groupon gets 50% of the deal for themselves - no wonder they may be worth $1 billion by next year!

Is Groupon creating a dangerous carpet bombing effect on some small businesses? 

A story about a local dentist caught my attention recently. By offering a $231 check-up exam, cleaning & x-rays for just $49, the small business was overwhelmed with 768 requests in one day! Could you handle 100 calls an hour?
Read story

Since Groupon splits revenue 50-50, this dentist was only getting about $25 per offer. In reality, most businesses plan to lose money with a Groupon deal. But the hope is that they will gain so many new customers who will return again and again.

That's a nice idea in theory, but businesses planning a Groupon should have some understanding of what they may be in for and how to best prepare for it. So here's some prep...

Three things to consider before Grouponing

1) Get a Teaser Mentality.
Remember the premise of this kind of online promotion is to get attention with a sensational teaser offer. So treat it that way. Try not to set your business up for a disaster by giving away your product or service with the best profit margin. Lure potential customers with something that give them a good taste but wanting more.

2) Prepare and Then Prepare Some More.
Be ready for what could be the fire hose effect  -- many people demanding your offer in a short time period. So be prepared for an influx of calls. Maybe hire a short-term phone service to take calls you can't get to because you don't want to disappoint and have those folks bad-mouth your business to everyone they know!

3) Take Names and Numbers.
It's critical to develop a list to make this effort pay-off. So track all calls, categorize your new customers and then immediately follow-up with another offer to bring those initial trial people back for additional business.

Parting shot: There are smarter, less explosive options to Groupon. Try a simple text blast to existing customers inviting them to bring a friend or neighbor in for a special deal or use Facebook to drive a special offer. There are many ways to share a great deal.

Paul Patzloff is a hybrid creative marketing professional offering strategy and high-value content. His new brand Gravity uses innovative techniques to create online pull that attracts new, qualified sales leads for businesses. Request his new presentation "Feel The Pull of Gravity" by contacting Paul

Image from

Monday, November 8, 2010

The hard truth behind online video viewing fall-off.

You know the power of online video. It presents ideas in quick, easy-to-digest portions. It can also help you rank big on Google. It can be produced quickly and cheaply.

But remember, You Tube now has 24 hours of video uploaded every minute. So in some ways online video is becoming a bit of a commodity.

I love Dave Kaminski and his Web Video University. His advice is simple and straight forward. And here's his breakdown of viewer fall-off...

  • Within 10 seconds you'll lose 20% of your audience
  • Within a minute another 30% stop watching.
  • By the end you may have 20% of your original audience still viewing.


Audience Interest level. Bottom line. If you are not presenting a compelling message, you are fighting an uphill battle.

So before the camera is rolling, think about how to make your story attention-worthy.
Here are some real basic ideas...

1) Work in an emotional testimonial. People tend to buy from people not just talking heads.
2) Present a riveting relevant fact. Each day there are 247 car accidents in our state - maybe it's time to consider a free auto insurance coverage review.
3) Introduce a classic problem/solution storyline.
This works well especially well when You can present it in a villain v. hero format.

For smart video ideas and and compelling content, contact Paul

Opting up your Opt-In

Here’s a great tidbit from  that is quite extraordinary. This Mad Libs influenced opt-in form has a wonderful narrative feel. When tested, this new approach  delivered 25% to 40% improvement over standard opt-in forms. But The Up Take here is much more. Think about how that narrative feel could be used to enhance your brand, even provide some impromptu storytelling or to drive some real benefitial language. A small change in thinking can completely change perspective and results for your online marketing. Very cool interactive strategy at work here.

Learn more at The Up Take Blog at

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Attention: second-guessers

Have you ever second-guessed a decision?

Now there's a decision-making resource online that may help. Developed by MIT programers and a founder of Flickr, Hunch uses a set of questions to help you reach a decision based on a collective knowledge acquired through a database of results.

You get trusted advice and if needed, links

So what's the take-away for you?

Get advice or better yet bolster your gut feeling with resources like the Small Business Association and online tools like Hunch.

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Welcome to V1.1

It's been a long time in the making, nearly 7 years I believe.
The Web That Works is a journey into what really works online today.
Convenience, time savings, the best most trusted values.
We'll find the Websites, portals and other movements that are...
enhancing the human digital condition

Watch for more soon.